New Life Christian Schools and Colleges International

Promoting the Cause of Christian School Education and Homeschooling

Why Is Now the Time to Change From Public to Christian Education?

1. The most obvious reason that it is time for a change is the upheaval going on in the public schools due to COVID-19. The confusion is going to be terrible. Plus there are the health hazards of children being all together. Asking children to maintain social distances and wear masks is pointless. Teachers weren’t able to monitor their actions before all this. Do we really think they will be able to now? Also, what about the health hazards of wearing masks that long?

2. From grades K-12 your children are being given the information that they can choose whether or not they are a boy or a girl. In middle school, being homosexual is the cool thing to do because of how it is presented to them, and the attention that they get from it. Do you really want to see your children start toward this way of life?

3. Here are the ideologies that are being presented to your children by the public school curriculum, the teachers, and the other children.

     * Liberal thinking that denies God.

     * Teaching that the Bible is wrong.

     * Discriminating against Christian ideologies while indoctrinating your children into other religions especially Moslem ideologies.

     * Bullying and school violence that will only grow worse as tensions increase.

     * Teaching that family values and moral standards are wrong.

     * Different religious and social groups put their ideas into the curriculum taught in the public schools in a very subtle but influencing way to more or less “brain wash” your children to accept their agendas.

One of the “excuses” that people often find to keep their children in public schools is that they need to socialize. Consider all the negative things that they are gaining through that socializing. Normal social groups circle around the children offering them praise, lifting them up, providing safety and guidance. They don’t tear down all the values you have instilled in them, but they build them up. They form a community around them. Public schools as a whole do not do that. How can the type of social reactions that they offer be counted as normal and uplifting? Family, church, communities, and small groups that build up children in their activities are the type of social interactions that children need. We have had many children transfer to our Christian Academy who had many issues such as social anxiety and depression because of the “socialization” that they received in the public school. It is time for a change

I am reminded of a high school student who had been in our Christian school. She wanted to try out public high school. She came back after only a couple of months. I asked her what caused her to change her mind about being there. She said, “I was in study hall and a student was reading his Bible. The teacher started ridiculing him for doing so. Then the other students joined in. After I left that class, I passed by two girls openly kissing in the hall. Nobody said anything to them because they didn’t want to discriminate against them. That is when I realized what public school was all about.”

Making all this worse is the quality of education that your children are receiving in the public schools. In President Trump’s 2020 state of the union address he spoke about how the public schools are failing our children. Your children are going through all the above mentioned things and receiving a second or third rate education. Don’t they deserve more.

Pray and seek God’s guidance. If you feel God leading you to enroll your children in a Christian school, or a home school, seek His guidance as to what would be the best one for your child. Follow His peace. Let Him lead you. He will provide a way. Nothing is as important as your children's souls and their futures.